Living Poetically in 2017
2017 is officially here! A time of new beginnings with bright days on the horizon. This year, we're excited to embrace our own unique style and live each day in our own poetic way.
We recently held a contest on Facebook and Instagram, asking all you lovelies to tell us how you will be living poetically in 2017. And we got some great, creative responses! Take a look at some of the beautiful things you had to say:
"I'll be living poetically
With love in my heart
And paint on my sleeves
I'll create and I'll craft
In twenty-seventeen
With my husband by my side
To make life complete
For another year of art
And love oh-so-sweet."
- Instagram user septi.mstree
"In 2017, I will be loving my friends and family, taking advantage of the natural world around us for edibles and herbals, and volunteering with a historical recreation group learning and teaching about how people lived and created before the 17th century."
- Instagram user katlyntje
"I will silly dance with my children and slow dance with my husband often in 2017."
- Instagram user lzra2
"2017 will be my year of poetry
Telling many stories, beautifully
Facing the stage with script in hand
My show shall not be panned!"
- Chelsea from Facebook
"Appreciate little moments. Arrive on time. Breathe fresh air each day."
- Instagram user outfitzestjoy
"I hope to give more to charity, dress up more for just myself, and maybe be lucky enough to fall in love."
- Instagram user elizamaylane
"I will love myself more in the year 2017."
- Instagram user dnr3323